Tuesday, August 5, 2008

national cemetery

(i added some new pics to my previous post, check em out!)

i went out on my own for the first time alone in seoul. i actually did not get lost. my destination was the national cemetery. it's very much like arlington in the USA. over 50,000 tombstones for soldiers, alternating red and yellow flowers as far the eye can see. there were also tons of beautiful monuments and statues, and a hill with a view of the entire cemetery and most of downtown seoul. the weather was perfect, so i spent most of the day wandering around listening to music and feeling very much at peace. after dick got off work we went out to dinner with a bunch of his friends and then to the local bar. they had a good jutebox, so we were occasionally able to listen to non-korean music (korean music is all garbage pop crap, far worse than anything in the states). we stayed for quite awhile talking politics, education, and other fantastically dorky and important things that me and dick always discuss when we get together.


1 comment:

Ms. Schirmer said...

These are very beautiful. Remember that time we had a picnic at the cemetery? It was the best picnic ever, and I was trying to pick a new last name from one of the tombstones. It was a really good day :-)