Wednesday, July 9, 2008

last day teaching in Tanz

Today was my last day helping out at the school. The kids were pretty nuts the past two days. We did a lot of english and math because the headmaster said that their will be a test next week. I’m not exactly sure how you can give a test if you haven’t bothered to teach anything though. The head master slept most of the day in the teachers lounge, and like usual we were the only one doing any teaching and WE DON’T SPEAK SWAHILI!!!!. Some cute new local lady showed up yesterday to teach the first grade. They pissed her off so she had them standing in CIA style stress positions until the whole class was crying. It was kind of cruel but also tempting to use when I get back home (if any of my students are reading you better watch out!!! ). I spent the end of my day waiting for the bus being dragged around by the hands by two of the most adorable first graders. I’m not sure why little kids like me, I’m pretty crazy looking and I haven’t shaved in two weeks so I look like a monster. A few other kids almost got into a fight because they all wanted to hold my hand. I’m not sure if a have ever seen a group of cuter kids then at the Linde school in Tanzania. I don’t think I’ll be able to post again until sun because I will be off on a safari. Hopefully I will see lots of crazy stuff to tell you about.

my fmaily in tanz


at the orphanage

at school
crazy first grade punishment!!!
diki diki


Dio leading the pack



Anonymous said...

Wow! So, you're gaining weight, learning corporal punishment techniques, and picking up hot chicks in African Discos. UR my Hero!

TMARTIN said...

seem like u r havin fun out there and its great u made it out alive.....

Ms. Schirmer said...

these pictures are so amazing Erik. I can't wait to see more when you get home.