Friday, July 23, 2010

kyoto modern art light/sound/brain destroyer

The modern art museum in Kyoto has this bizarre exhibit of interactive art. They had stuff you could climb on, a huge rotating stage, and this crazy head machine. It looks like a large tube with a bed and lights inside. While I was looking at it two cute Japanese girls asked me if I would try it. Of course I said yes. I had sign a bunch of wavers in Japanese. They put some electrodes on my head and big isolation headphones on me and laid me in the bed. You stair at the ceiling and they blast if with super bright colors and play water/forest sounds in your ears. It gets to be very overwhelming. It feels almost like you have left your body and are traveling through space. You completely forget that everyone in the gallery is staring at you. When it is over they show your results on monitors in the gallery. The machine was able to tell that red/magenta freaked me out and that green relaxed me (which is dead on, I though my head was gonna explode whenever red came on)

my results

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