Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hiking the Great Wall

The part of the great wall that most tourists go to has been completely rebuilt by the government. It is a total Chinese tourist zoo. I didn't want to deal that so I booked a tour of the wall that was three hours out of the city. It was a perfect day with a bright blue sky and just enough fluffy clouds to keep the sun from frying me. In all I hiked on 22 of the walls towers. They have not been renovated so may of the stones are missing and the wall is falling apart. It is also is incredibly steep going up and down. I thought my heart was going to burst a few times. Crazy old Mongolians follow you the entire way trying to sell you "water coke beer". That is all they know how to say in English. I don't know how they do it all day with out keeling over and dying.  The great wall by far exceeded my expectations. I can't think of a better way to end my trip than hiking on such an epic piece of history.

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