Thursday, August 5, 2010

World Expo 2010: world cultures on acid!

Everyone has been complaining about the Expo around the hostel I'm staying at. They say that it is too crowded, the lines are too long, and you don't really get to see much. NONSENCE! This thing is spectacular. World cultures meets modern art/architecture/ meets Disneyland with a huge dose of acid thrown in. I went to the dream cube first which is made of recycled cd's and responds to the people around it and in it by changing colors! They have a theme pavilion that takes you through the history of civilization with huge reproductions of art and cities and digital video blasting in all directions so it feels like you are in a movie. I got into both the USA and Canada pavilions and Canada's killed ours (most countries were better than ours). The Chinese seemed to like it though.  Even though it is a "world expo" it is pretty much 99.9 percent Chinese (it is also where they have been hiding all the hot Chinese girls). I had some great beer at the Lithuania pavilion, and got turned into a dancing singing avatar at some crazy siemans corporate pavilion. I don't think it could have been more fun. It rained for about a half hour and that cleared out a lot of people, so I didn't have to wait in very many lines. Even with the rain there were still over 300,000 people there on the day I went!!! The next one is in Milan in 2015 and I think I will go (Italy's pavilion was huge). Definitely one of the highlights of my trip so far and that says an awful lot.

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