Friday, July 24, 2015

Prada Museum

Just this year Prada opened a huge museum complex to show off more of its art collection. Unfortunately it's not complete, so there were a few galleries closed for construction. What was open was still pretty incredible. A giant gold building featuring only 1-2 pieces of art per flood. A gorgeous film theater (we saw a documentary on Roman Polanski), and a really wonderful collection of modern and contemporary art. Every room had at least three security guards all dressed in the same slightly militaristic uniform, all could have been found on a runway. To top it all off, they had Wes Anderson (one of my all time favorite directors) design every inch of their cafe. They even had a Steve Zisso pin ball machine from The Life Aquatic (it only took vintage Italian lira that you could get from the staff).

this is how prada designs a public bathroom!!!!

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